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2014 JAMB UTME Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


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1. What is computer based test (CBT)?
Computer based test is the administration of an examination using a computer. This format is flexible in that the test can be taken at different times and in different locations. The test has time for each subject. If let’s say 40mins is allocated to English, after 40mins the question/answers sheet will disappear then the next subject will appear.
2. Why computer based test (CBT)?
CBT makes for more accurate, precise and fair assessment of the candidate.
3. What are the benefits of computer based test (CBT)?
- It is fast in that it gives immediate feedback.
- It is accurate and offers automated analysis of results.
- It is fair.
- It is more secured.
- It is the global best practice.
4. What is e-UTME?
e-UTME is an electronic form of Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination that adopts the use of Computer to display and answer test items.
5. What are test centres?
Test centres are examination locations across the country where candidates can take computer based tests (CBT). These centres are equipped with modern infrastructure that would enable the conduct of CBT.
6. Where are the test centres located?
CBT centres are located in all 36 states of the federation and the FCT.
7. Are these centres well equipped for CBT?
Yes the centres are well equipped for CBT.
8. What does the test centre look like?
A room equipped with computers connected to internet or internet (local Area Network).
9. Are the test centres conducive for CBT?
Yes. The e-UTME accredited professional test centres are certified and equipped to international standards to facilitate a comfortable environment conducive for e-testing. All equipments are provided and there are technical support staff who are available to assist candidates at anytime during the examination.
10. How many candidates are attached to a computer?
A candidate is assigned to a computer.
11. Are international testing centres available?
Yes, e-testing centres are available in six countries (United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Benin, Cameroun and Ghana).
12. Is the duration of the computer based the same as the paper pencil examination?
The Computer Based Test is generally the same as the paper pencil examination. The details of the test length will be included in the test instruction on the examination day.
13. Will all candidates write the examination at the same time?
No. Each candidate taking the Computer Based Test will write the examination according to the scheduled/appointed time.
14. Must a candidate schedule an appointment with a test centre to take a computer based test?
No. Your schedule will be given at the point of e-registration.
15. When should a candidate schedule a testing appointment?
A candidate should schedule his/her appointment in advance of the test as the board will allow. Testing appointments are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Therefore, to ensure getting an appointment at the testing centre of your choice, you should schedule your appointment as early as possible.
16. How does a candidate schedule a testing appointment?
A candidate should make a testing appointment via the internet during registration.
17. Will the candidate receive an e-mail confirming the testing appointment and should the candidate bring the confirmation printout to the examination centre?
Yes. You will receive an e-mail from JAMB stating the date, time and location of your examination. A candidate should also bring the original confirmation printout to the venue.
18. How do a candidate key in answers on a computer based test?
Answers to questions may be entered into the computer in either of two ways. You may key in answers by clicking on the option you believe to be the answer or tying in the letter of the option. Answers are recorded directly into the computer.
19. Can a candidate review answers or skip questions and answer them later when taking a computer based test?
Yes. A candidate may review and change answers after they have been entered into the computer during the examination or after you have attempted to answer all the questions before final submission.
20. How do I get UTME 2014 Scratch Card?
 Traditionally, JAMB forms are sold by selected/ approved commercial banks nation-wide and in JAMB state offices across the country.
Only Zenith Bank plc and UBA have been given access from JAMB to sell the UTME 2014 scratch card.
Call 08080085555 if you want us to sell the UTME 2014 scratch card to you at the rate of N4,500. Click here on how to make a payment of N4,500.
21. How do a candidate know how much time is left?
The time will be displayed on the computer screen during the examination.
Before we conclude, I will like to explain two important things that candidates should take note of. Firstly, how to end the test. When a candidate has answered and reviewed all the questions, the candidate would be required to click the “END” button. Another box will ask you to confirm that you are ready to end the test. Once you confirm that you want to end, the test will close and you will not be able to regain entry.


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